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Lal from Uttar Pradesh established a corporation worth 10,000 crores after becoming CEO of YouTube, and web series became a success

Lal from Uttar Pradesh established a corporation worth 10,000 crores after becoming CEO of YouTube, and web series became a success

 Lal from Uttar Pradesh established a corporation worth 10,000 crores after becoming CEO of YouTube, and web series became a success

Alakh Pandey's Success Story: Alakh Pandey, who formerly tutored young students in physics on YouTube, now owns Physicswala, an edtech firm with a market cap of Rs 10,000 crore. He received numerous offers to sell the business, but he declined them in favour of rising to the position on his own.

In Delhi. Alakh Pandey, the founder of renowned edtech business PhysicsWala, has established a name for himself online. This young man from Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, who formerly taught on YouTube now has a business valued at 10,000 crores.

The road to Alakh Pandey has not been smooth. He attempted to get into IIT but failed the admission test. Following this, the college also discontinued. He nevertheless managed to land a position as a Physics instructor at a coaching facility. Even he might not have realised that this is his first step towards achievement.

After that, he began working as a coach in Prayagraj (formerly known as Allahabad). There, he used to receive a meagre income of Rs. 5,000. But he gained a lot of notoriety in this place. He became a favourite of the pupils due to his talent for clearly and novelly illuminating the subject. 

After that, he started a YouTube account of his own. During Kovid-19, this channel received a tonne of assistance. Children studying the school curriculum in preparation for the IIT JEE soon began to refer to Physicswala by name. His notoriety has grown to the point where an Amazon Mini TV web series on his success was launched this year. Physics Wallah is another name for it.

the physicswala trip

In 2016, he launched the Physicswala YouTube channel. He continued to attend classes at the coaching facility, nevertheless. He eventually dropped out of the coaching programme to focus only on YouTube. He had no particular response at first, but with time, his channel began to get attention from the general public. 

When Kovid-19 came to an end, the kids had a fantastic opportunity to clear up any questions they had in physics. Physicswala received 20 lakh subscribers in 2019. After that, Physicswala grew and now offers both offline and online programmes.

60 million student, 300 teachers

The 60 lakh students that Physicswala has taught so far. It employs 1500 people in total, including 300 teachers. In addition, there are 16 Physicswala Pathshala locations for offline instruction. According to Alakh Pandey, an attempt was made to purchase Physicswala's business as a result of its rising notoriety. Massive offers were made, but he wouldn't sell it. The newest Edtech unicorn with Physics was born in 2022. 

Startups classified as unicorns have a market value of at least $1 billion. Nearly Rs 10,000 crore is Physicswala's market value. Plans are reportedly being made to increase it to $3.3 billion.

Investment of 500 crore

A recent acquisition by Physicswala increased its ownership of Kerala-based Xylem Learning by 50%. Physicswala has invested Rs 500 crore in this. This covers both financial and strategic equity investments. This is anticipated to significantly increase Physicswala's reach in South India.

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