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Hydroelectric Power plant: India developed a significant hydroelectric plant on the border with China. What are the benefits?


The NGT had for eight years prohibited the Hyderoelectric Power Project. After that, approval was given to resume development on the project in 2019.

In Delhi. The Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Assignment, which India has been constructing close to the Chinese border for the past 20 years, is now complete. This is viewed as a significant step forward for India's energy revolution. National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited, a government-owned corporation, will begin testing its first unit in July and link it to the grid in December of this year.

This unique project first began in 2003

The first unit would be put into service by the end of this year, using Rajendra Prasad Goyal, director of finance for NHPC. All eight units will be operating by December 2024. Please be informed that the 2-Gigawatt project began in 2003. However, delays were a result of lawsuits and protests. Hydropower is crucial to India's electrical grid's stability. due to the intermittent growth in solar and wind energy output.

NGT had remained with the project for eight years

The project's price has tripled from the initial estimates to Rs 212.5 billion, according to Bloomberg. After being halted for more than eight years, construction work was finally allowed to continue in 2019 by the National Green Tribunal. Goyal stated that because more than 40 different departments and ministries must provide their approval before a hydroelectric project can begin to be built, it takes a very long time to complete these projects.

Eight units make up this project's couple

Explain that this project will provide Assam and Arunachal Pradesh with a combined 2,000 MW of electricity for the nation. There are 8 units in all, each that has a 250 MW capacity. Rajendra Prasad Goen, the the National Hydroelectric Power Finance Director, stated that the eight units of the programme would all be operating by December 2024.

Big dams are beneficial to India's economy

Large dams are reportedly a means for India to improve the local economy, particularly in the sensitive border regions with China and Pakistan. The government reportedly gave huge dams clean energy designation in an effort to promote hydropower. According to reports, the government has decided to provide budgetary help for several civil building and flood control projects.

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