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Earth will be wiped out! There will be no light, and the communications system will be disabled! The cause will be "this ball of fire."

Earth will be wiped out! There will be no light, and the communications system will be disabled! The cause will be "this ball of fire."

Earth will be wiped out! There will be no light, and the communications system will be disabled! The cause will be "this ball of fire."

According to the University of London's solar physicist Alex James, "The surface of the Sun is going to peak earlier and the planet will have a temperature that is greater than expected."

In Delhi. Concerns about global warming are being expressed by scientists and astronomers. According to a number of reports, global temperatures will rise in the upcoming years. An additional piece of news has many worried in this situation. Actually, the Sun's solar activity is rising quickly. While astronomers were completely unaware that this will occur prior to 2025. By the end of this year, experts predict that the Sun's maximum temperature will rise.

The magnetic field of the Earth can be detrimental

According to University College London solar physicist Alex James, "The warmth of the Sun is going to peak early and it will have a temperature that is greater than expected."

Many grave issues may begin on Earth as a result of rising sunlight. The magnetic field on the Sun is at its weakest during solar maximum, which is bad for Earth since the magnetic field serves as a shield that prevents solar radiation (solar flares) and causes solar flares. Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is also avoided.

The field that has generated on the sunspot is what causes the explosion

Sunspots are regions that seem dark on the Sun's surface, according to NASA. Because they are cooler than other areas of the Sun's surface, they appear black. Solar flares are produced when magnetic field lines near sunspots undergo an explosion during reorganisation. A significant amount of radiation is released into space. According to NASA, the explosion released radiation that might obstruct radio communications on Earth.

Power grid issues could start anywhere in the world

The occurrence of solar storms, which are made up of several CMEs that travel through space and strike the Earth's magnetic field, is also a cause for concern. These factors can cause geomagnetic storms to develop. This satellite has the potential to disrupt or harm GPS, internet connectivity, and communication. Failure of the power grid may result from this.

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