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Chinese deception uncovered, US believes Dragon's surveillance base has been in Cuba since 2019

 Chinese deception uncovered, US believes Dragon's surveillance base has been in Cuba since 2019

China Spying on US: On Thursday, 'The Wall Street Journal' newspaper reported that the two nations had reached an agreement to establish a base for Chinese electronic espionage in Cuba. The publication claims that China agreed to provide Cuba, which is experiencing severe economic crisis, billions of dollars in exchange for the creation of the spy facility.

Washington. Since at least 2019, China has maintained an espionage base in Cuba. On Saturday, a senior member of US President Joe Biden's cabinet made this assertion. He claimed that as part of international efforts to improve its intelligence-gathering capabilities, China maintains a spy facility in Cuba.

Under the condition of privacy, the official claimed that American intelligence agencies are aware of China's participation in recent espionage into Cuba and efforts to gather massive amounts of secret material globally.

The Biden administration, according to the official, has intensified measures to disrupt China's attempts to broaden its espionage programme. He claimed that through diplomacy and other vague activities, the Biden administration seemed to have made some strides in this area.

According to the official, shortly after President Joe Biden assumed office in January 2021, intelligence services had alerted his security for the nation team that the Communist Party of China (PLA) utilised logistics around the globe as part of efforts to increase its influence globally, expand its infrastructure, and enhance its intelligence acquiring capabilities.

The official claims that the PLA has identified a number of locations in the Atlantic Ocean, Latin America, the Gulf region, Central Asia, Africa, and the Indian Pacific region that fit this description. An agreement between the two countries to establish China's electronic espionage base in Cuba was earlier reported by the publication "The Wall Street Journal" in a news article published on Thursday.

The publication claims that China agreed to provide Cuba, which is experiencing severe economic crisis, billions of dollars in exchange for the creation of the spy facility. The White House and Cuban authorities, however, have refuted this information.

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