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Chamba Murder Case: In this Himachal murder, a lover was killed and his body was broken up into eight pieces

 Chamba Murder Case: In this Himachal murder, a lover was killed and his body was broken up into eight pieces

Chamba Murder Case: Regarding the situation, Chamba SP Abhishek Yadav stated that the case of the youth's murder had come to light. There are three suspects in custody. The matter is being looked into by the police. On the other hand, the Bhandal murder suspects have faced rejection from their neighbourhood.

Hospice. Following murders in Mumbai and Delhi, the case of the dismembered corpse has now also gained attention in Himachal Pradesh. A Hindu-Muslim boy and girl's love affair has tragically come to an end in this instance. Manohar, 21, was killed, and after being sliced into 7-8 pieces, the body was placed in a sack before being dumped down the drain. The girl and her brothers have currently been detained by authorities in connection with the matter. Following the incident, there was tension in the area. However, there hasn't been any unfavourable news to share. The murder has been confirmed by SP Abhishek Yadav (SP Chamba) of Chamba.

The report indicates that this is the case in the Bandal settlement of Kihar, Saloni, and Chamba. The young man's body was discovered on June 9. Manohar, a teenager, has not been seen since June 6. According to what is being said, this situation involves a love affair. They got along great, the young man and the female. But the girl's family did not approve of it.

The girl's brothers are said to have sliced her body into eight parts after killing the youth, then placed these pieces in a sack. The accused thereafter concealed the bag in the drain under some stones. On June 9, while passing past, some persons noticed a terrible smell and called the police. During the inquiry, portions of Manohar's

what the police claim

Abhishek Yadav, the SP for Chamba, stated that the case of the youth's murder has come to light in regards to the entire situation. There are three suspects in custody. The matter is being looked into by the police. On the other hand, the Bhandal murder suspects have faced rejection from their neighbourhood. Hindu Jagran Manch members have also spoken with the victim's relatives since the tragedy. The mother of Manohar has called for the execution of the person who killed her son. Another younger brother belongs to Manohar.

Let me tell you about a recent incident in Mumbai where a man killed his companion and then sliced him into many parts. Similar events also occurred at the same time in Delhi's Shraddhawal murder case.

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