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Alert: The Amarnath Yatra is under threat from terrorism! Terrorists planning a Pulwama-style strike in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir

 Alert: The Amarnath Yatra is under threat from terrorism! Terrorists planning a Pulwama-style strike in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir

Amarnath Yatra 2023: Owing to information gathered from sources, the people in charge of the terrorists waiting across the border have planned to repeat the terrorist attack on the Amarnath Yatra convoy in a manner reminiscent of the one that occurred in Pulwama. An attack by Fidayeen is being prepared on the Amarnath Yatra.

Srinagar. Beginning on July 1st, there is a risk of a terrorist strike during the Amarnath Yatra. According to information from sources, the terrorists' handlers across the border planned to launch another attack on the Amarnath Yatra convoy that would be similar to the one that occurred in Pulwama. An attack by Fidayeen is being prepared on the Amarnath Yatra. For a few days, nonstop meetings have also been held in PoK for this purpose. The terrorist training camp established in PoK across the border is where terrorists are receiving training for fidayeen attacks.

Terrorists are receiving trained from Pakistani army officers!

These terrorists are getting ready for assaults similar to the one in Pulwama. because Pakistan has opened its training facilities, and some terrorists who received training have already arrived at the launch site. Additionally, it has been revealed through sources that the Pakistani Army's commandos are providing these terrorists with specialised training, and officers with the level of Colonel-Brigadier are personally overseeing this training facility. where training camps for various terrorist organisations' terrorists are located.

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Other cars won't be able to pass the Amarnath pilgrims' convoy

On the other hand, another crucial piece of information has come from sources that the security agencies have decided not to allow any other vehicles to use the Jammu-Srinagar highway during the time when the convoy of Amarnath pilgrims will be passing through. Please be advised that the Amarnath Yatra will begin on July 1st. This is being prepared for in full force. The devotees' comfort and safety are given special attention.

NDRF team has been sent out

The NDRF has begun security preparations with routine flights to the upper reaches of the sacred cave and the deployment of dog squads for disaster avoidance in order to ensure the safety of the pilgrims participating in the yearly Amarnath Yatra. On Tuesday, officials provided this information. The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), according to officials, will send twelve teams on July 1 to safeguard the safety of the Yatra. To prevent flash floods and "glacial" lake outburst floods (GLOF), the NDRF has begun locating locations for pilgrim camps. Significantly, the floods brought on by the severe rains on July 8 of last year claimed the lives of at least 16 individuals.

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