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After Corona, a new fatal virus will cast a shadow over the planet, prompting a WHO alert that various illnesses will spread at once

After Corona, a new fatal virus will cast a shadow over the planet, prompting a WHO alert that various illnesses will spread at once

After Corona, a new fatal virus will cast a shadow over the planet, prompting a WHO alert that various illnesses will spread at once

According to the World Health Organisation, the virus will spread more widely due to the intense heat. disease outbreaks will then begin to spread quickly. Peru, for example, is also experiencing the effects of it.

In Delhi. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organisation, issued a warning this week, cautioning that unseasonably high temperatures may increase the risk of infections like dengue and chikungunya. Four years later, El Nino is making a comeback. As a result, the potential of excessively hot weather and disruptions to agriculture is present all throughout the planet. 

There will inevitably be confusion about what exactly El Nino is. El Nino, which affects weather around the globe, is actually a shift in sea temperature and atmospheric parameters in the tropical Pacific region. This is a cyclical seasonal occurrence.

This virus is quickly spread by mosquitoes, which thrive in hot climates. This will cause the El Nino virus to spread over the world. The prevalence of tropical diseases is already rising in South American nations. This poses a serious risk both in Asia and elsewhere. Due to an overwhelming number of dengue cases this year, some nations, like Peru, have already declared a state of emergency. In Peru this year, a record 1.5 lakh dengue cases were reported.

Tension will rise as a result of Dengue-Chigungunya

The illness might place a significant strain on the nation's healthcare system, the World Health Organisation has warned. 19,503 dengue cases have been registered in Thailand during the first week of June. In the previous three years, this is the highest. In nations like Malaysia and Cambodia, the number of dengue cases is also fast rising. Singapore has also issued a warning that the number of cases will rise between June and October.

Other illnesses are spreading quickly as well. In the South American nation of Paraguay, 40 cases of chikungunya-related fatalities have been documented since the year's end.

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