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No challan on the insurance, DL, RC, or PUC: the drivers had good news! DL, RC, PUC, and insurance are no longer required to operate a car; be aware of your rights.

 No challan on the insurance, DL, RC, or PUC: the drivers had good news! DL, RC, PUC, and insurance are no longer required to operate a car; be aware of your rights.

Challan Regulations: You must abide by all traffic regulations if you don't want your traffic challan to be revoked. Nonetheless, it frequently occurs for people to leave crucial documents like their driver's licence, car registration certificate, pollution certificate, or insurance at home and drive away without them.

How to avoid a traffic ticket: You must make sure that you abide by all traffic laws if you don't want your ticket to be dismissed.

Nonetheless, it frequently occurs for people to leave crucial documents like their driver's licence, car registration certificate, pollution certificate, or insurance at home and drive away without them.

If a police officer pulls you over in this situation, they might take your challan. Nonetheless, today we're going to provide you some of these tips so you can avoid a challan even in a precarious circumstance. In fact, when he observes a clearly obvious crime in action, a police officer typically stops a car.

Suppose, for instance, that you are driving a car without a seat belt or riding a motorcycle without a helmet. If a traffic police officer sees you, he will stop you and ask you to leave. Will cite Will request to see your driver's licence and other paperwork, such as an insurance card or an RC pollution certificate. But because you forgot the paperwork at home, he will take your challan away.

Hence, try not to commit any visible crimes when travelling without a driving licence, RC, pollution certificate, or insurance. If a policeman does not stop you, a challan will not be issued. a copy of this.

Additionally, you may already save all of these documents using the DigiLocker software. So, anytime the police stop them and you forget to bring their hard copy with you, you should show them the soft copy that is maintained in DigiLocker.

The government released a notification on December 17, 2018, stating that any document that is presented in DigiLocker is acceptable. However, if the policeman refuses to accept the documents after seeing them in DigiLocker and wants to challan them, then you should inform them of this. Will happen When you state this, the police officer will understand that you are a knowledgeable person and decide not to issue a challan.

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