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Jharkhand: The director of animal husbandry issued instructions after bird flu was diagnosed in Ranchi following Bokaro.

 Jharkhand: The director of animal husbandry issued instructions after bird flu was diagnosed in Ranchi following Bokaro.

Following Chas of Bokaro, avian influenza has now also been identified in Ranchi.

After learning about the signs of this virus in hens, the Animal Husbandry Department sent samples of chicken from Ranchi to the National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases in Bhopal for testing.

Ranchi, State Bureau : After Bokaro's Chas, avian influenza has now also been identified in Ranchi.

After learning about the signs of this virus in hens, the Animal Husbandry Department submitted samples of birds from Ranchi Municipal Corporation's Prison Road to the National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases in Bhopal for testing.

On Friday, the institute verified the presence of avian flu in a sample. The Chief Secretary of the state has been requested by the Union Ministry of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry to ensure that all essential action is taken in accordance with the established protocol following the confirmation of bird flu in Ranchi as well.

The State Director of Animal Husbandry issued directives.

The Deputy Commissioner of Ranchi and the District Animal Husbandry Officer have also been informed, and State Animal Husbandry Director Chandan Kumar has directed them to take all necessary precautions to prevent its infection.

Let us note that Chas of Bokaro have previously been verified to have bird flu.

The central team visited the location and did a thorough examination when the infection was confirmed.

A survey order will be made for a 10 km surveillance zone and a 1 km radius.

In order to quickly decide whether to cull all the hens in this area, the Director of Animal Husbandry has instructed the District Animal Husbandry Officer to survey all poultry in a one-kilometer radius where bird flu has been diagnosed.

He has also given instructions to ensure monitoring there, where the virus has been proven in the samples, and to kill all the chickens using scientific methods. He has declared a 10 km radius as a surveillance zone.

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