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China is providing Russia with deadly assistance, perhaps altering the course of the Ukraine war in Putin's favour.

 China is providing Russia with deadly assistance, perhaps altering the course of the Ukraine war in Putin's favour.

"A Russian military assisted or enabled by Chinese invasions of weapons and platforms is militarily more lethal and more capable," a senior American official declared.

An alleged current and former US intelligence officer said that preliminary US evidence indicates that China is considering offering lethal assistance to Russia for its conflict in Ukraine. For weeks, US officials have been verifying this information with numerous intelligence sources, as well as with allies who have provided additional information streams. These police engaged in a classified conversation with NBC News in private.

Biden administration officials are alarmed by multiple intelligence reports that China is supplying Russia with potentially fatal assistance, like as ammunition and artillery. The action might alter the course of the war in Moscow's favour.

The magazine cited a senior administration source as saying, "A Russian military inspired or supported by Chinese penetration of weapons and platforms is militarily more lethal and more capable. Wouldn't be beneficial for the Ukrainian people.

The CIA Director William Burns and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have publicly stated their confidence in the intelligence and warned China against giving Moscow lethal military assistance.

China dismisses US charges "misinformation" and denies having any plans to deliver Russia lethal aid. There is currently no proof of a Chinese decision or action to give Russia lethal assistance, according to American officials.

On March 2, National Security Council (NSC) spokesperson John Kirby said the US was sceptical of how serious China was about potentially delivering weapons to Russia.

The US, according to Kirby, thinks that China hasn't ruled out the potential of offering lethal aid, but hasn't observed any indication that Beijing is taking any steps in that direction. The NSC declined to make any additional comments on the subject.

According to officials familiar with the intelligence, it was initially unclear what exact systems or equipment China was considering giving to Russia in addition to the already widely available drones. Is. There are differing degrees of trust over how serious China is about this, according to another senior US official.

Burns affirmed in an interview for CBS News' "Face the Nation" programme that the purpose of making the material public was to deter China from giving China lethal assistance. He added that President Biden and Secretary Blinken wanted to make sure everyone understood the repercussions of such a decision.

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