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Postal Service Plan: Exciting News! Find out all of the program's specifics from the Post Office before applying for the chance to win Rs. 50 lakh

 Postal Service Plan: Exciting News! Find out all of the program's specifics from the Post Office before applying for the chance to win Rs. 50 lakh

Great news for individuals who invest in the post office, according to the Post Office Plan. Now is your chance to receive the full Rs 50 lakh. Certainly, the government provides a wide range of amenities to its citizens. Let me explain how to obtain the entire 50 lakh rupees:

What is the scheme's name?

This programme is known as Postal Life Insurance. This programme offers a money-doubling opportunity and is the oldest government insurance programme. Let us explain how to apply for it:

a loan of up to Rs. 50 lakh

The insured receives a facility of up to 50 lakhs through this programme. Individuals between the ages of 19 and 55 may invest in this. Also, you benefit from this. Also, there is a minimum value promised of Rs 20,000 and a maximum total assured of Rs 50 lakh. All of the money is given to the nominee if the policyholder passes away during the course of this plan.

Loan facility is offered

With this, the policyholder is also provided the loan facility if they maintain their insurance regularly for 4 years. After three years, you are free to cancel the insurance; but, if you do so before five years, you will forfeit the bonus.

Who Stand to Gain?

The benefit of this policy is available at the age of 80 years as you receive the facility of assured sum assured only at the age of 80 years.

understand how to apply?

Use the following website to submit a life insurance application: If this is the case, the nominee will get the entire sum of money following the death of the insured.

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