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Local18 Impact: Many breathed a sense of relief as they saw a 33 KVA high tension wire swinging like it had been fixed.

 Local18 Impact: Many breathed a sense of relief as they saw a 33 KVA high tension wire swinging like it had been fixed.

The 33 KVA line in Shivnagar Bahiyar of Losghani Panchayat under Piribazar police station area that was hanging just 6 feet off the ground has finally been replaced. Owing to this individuals have exhaled a sense of relief.


The 33 KVA line that was hanging just 5 feet above the ground in Shivnagar Bahiyar of Losghani Panchayat under the jurisdiction of Piribazar police station has finally been fixed. Many have exhaled in relief as a result, and the terrified folks are finally free from the threat of death.

In reality, News18 Local had highlighted this populace issue heavily. Many people were experiencing difficulties. Its hold claimed the life of an elderly woman as well. Following this, local officials and elected officials began working together, and after much effort, the death wire was lifted by hydra by burying the pole.

To solve the villagers' issues, the deputy chief took the initiative. There. the landowner's opposition to erecting the pole. The peasants whose fields this wire had crossed weren't prepared to have this pole installed on their property. As a result, the issue continued. However, following the news's release, the block's deputy head, Nilesh Kumar, took the initiative to work with the locals to open a line of communication, which ultimately led to the resolution of the ground issue.

Following that, the department hauled up the high tension wire.

Elderly woman dies after coming in contact with high tension wire Manorama Devi, the wife of villager Jagdev Mahato, suffered severe burns as a result of getting caught in the bending wire. who died while receiving care in Patna. The movement of animals was prohibited together with the seeding of the field on that side because people were so terrified of this wire. But today people are really delighted. He claims that currently, individuals can leave that location without any restrictions.

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