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New Guidelines for the 2023 CBSE Board Exam Published: New guidelines from CBSE are crucial to be aware of and will be beneficial.

 New Guidelines for the 2023 CBSE Board Exam Published: New guidelines from CBSE are crucial to be aware of and will be beneficial.

Important Update for CBSE 10th and 12th Grade Students Regarding Exam 2023. New rules have also been made available to the students at the same time. which is crucial for the students to understand. 7250 centres have been established for this.

Important update for students taking the CBSE 10th and 12th grades in 2023. In reality, the 10th and 12th grade exams will begin on February 15. 7250 centres have been established for this. 38 lakh students will take the exam in total. Board exams for Class 10 and Class 12 will conclude on March 21 and April 5, respectively.

Release of new regulations

The CBSE has also released new rules. which contains significant updates regarding the 10th and 12th grade students' exams at the test centre school. As a result, the school administering the board exam may package the answer sheet in plastic bags before mailing it to the regional office. Plastic bags won't be used if the same sealed answer book parcels are personally delivered to the regional office or with the aid of the city coordinator.

message to schools

The CBSE has issued warnings to schools. This prohibits using WhatsApp messages to communicate with the Board or any other authority during the exam. for a summary of the question papers that CBSE has shared. The use of the OECMS link to notify the board will be required. The CBSE is responsible for the new system.

All of the accountable officials at the examination centre will receive this information, which contains all the crucial details about how the exam will be administered. For all holders, CBSE has issued the same comprehensive guidelines. It must be made sure that the student is not under any pressure to take the test.

Candidates must receive at least 35 percent of the possible points in each subject to pass the CBSE board exam. The same candidate will be required to receive different answer marks on the theory and practical exams.

While the external paper will be included in the final examination being administered by CBSE at various testing centres, the internal paper consists of projects and class tests. Class 10 and class 12 board exams administered by the CBSE will begin on February 15 and end on March 21 and April 5, respectively.

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