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Kerala government faced embarrassment after absconding farmer representative sent to Israel, local police started intensive search


Local police have launched an intensive search for Biju Kurien, who contacted his family today to inform them of his decision.

A farmer who was on his way to Israel as part of a 27-member delegation has left the Kerala government embarrassed after he absconded to live in another country. Local police have launched an intensive search for Biju Kurien, who contacted his family today to inform them of his decision.

According to a report in Hindustan Times, the 48-year-old had arrived in Israel four days ago as part of a group studying new farming techniques. He went missing on Friday from a hotel in the city of Herzliya. Kurien's visa is valid till May 8.

“The Embassy welcomed a delegation of 27 young and innovative farmers from the state of Kerala for a week long visit to Israel on innovative agricultural techniques. The group is headed by the Principal Secretary and Commissioner of Agricultural Production, Government of Kerala," the Indian Embassy in Israel tweeted on Monday.

Other members of the delegation said that he had left to 'illegally settle' in Israel. Meanwhile, Kurien called up his family on Sunday and asked them not to look for him.

The Indian embassy has been informed by the Kerala authorities, and a complaint has been lodged with the Herzliya police in Israel. The state government has also launched an inquiry into how he joined the delegation in the first place.

Agriculture Minister P Prasad said the incident had "embarrassed the government". It is pertinent to note here that the tour had come under criticism in recent months over the shaky financial condition of Kerala.

The LDF government has been raising financial issues, claiming that various steps taken by the Center including not giving any flexibility in borrowing have significantly affected the state's finances.

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