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Bihar, UP among 9 Indian states in world's top 50 states facing climate risk


The Cross Dependency Initiative (XDI), part of a group of companies committed to quantifying and communicating the costs of climate change, has identified physical climate risk to the built environment in more than 2,600 states and territories around the world in 2050. Calculated.

A total of nine Indian states, including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra and Punjab, feature in the world's top 50 regions at risk of damage to the built environment due to climate change hazards, according to a new report on 'Gross Household Climate Risk' published on Monday.

The Cross Dependency Initiative (XDI), is part of a group of companies committed to quantify and communicate the cost of climate change to the built environment in over 2,600 states and territories across the world in 2050, reports PTI.

These zones are compared according to model projections of damage to buildings and properties from extreme weather and climate change events such as floods, wildfires, heatwaves and sea level rise.

XDI also noted that the units on the list are not 'low risk' and said that many states and provinces face high risk from extreme weather climate hazards, due to the low number of residential, commercial and industrial Not showing at the top of this ranking. buildings.

China, the US and India account for 80% of the top 50 most at-risk states and provinces in 2050, according to the analysis.

India is followed by China with the highest number of states at climate risk for the built environment. The nine Indian states include Bihar (22nd), Uttar Pradesh (25), Assam (28), Rajasthan (32), Tamil Nadu (36), Maharashtra (38), Gujarat (48), Punjab (50), and Kerala . (52), it said.

Assam will see the maximum increase -- more than 330 percent by 2050 compared to 1990 -- in climate risk to the built environment.

Pakistan also has several provinces in the top 100, including Sindh province. The devastating floods affected 30% of Pakistan's territory between June and August 2022 and partially or fully damaged more than nine lakh houses in Sindh province, PTI reported.

Notably, this is the first time a physical climate risk analysis focused specifically on the built environment has been conducted, comparing every state, province and territory in the world.

In China, which dominates the ranking, at-risk states and provinces are concentrated in the globally connected east and south, along the floodplains and deltas of the Yangtze and Pearl Rivers.

In the US, the economically important states of California, Texas and Florida will be most affected.

Other countries with multiple provinces and states in the top 50 include Brazil, Pakistan and Indonesia. In Europe, high ranking states include the cities of London, Milan, Munich and Venice.

XDI CEO Rohan Hamden said, “This is the most sophisticated global analysis of physical climate risk to date, providing us with breadth and depth and granularity on a scale never seen before. Now – for the first time – the finance industry is equal- One can directly compare Mumbai, New York and Berlin using the K-for-like method."

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