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Why can't I use AdSense on my blog?

Your blog may not be qualified for AdSense for a variety of reasons. Typical explanations include

There isn't enough content on your blog. Google AdSense won't accept your blog if there isn't enough content.

Google AdSense policies do not apply to your blog: Google AdSense has rigorous rules about the kinds of content that are permitted on blogs. Your blog will not be allowed if it contains content that is against these rules.

• Your blog isn't receiving enough traffic. Google AdSense must accept your application before your blog receives a particular volume of visitors.

Your blog is fresh: Before Google AdSense will accept your blog, it must have been online for at least six months.

• Neither English nor a language supported by AdSense is used on your website.

It is best to read and abide by the Adsense policies. If your website is still not approved, you can obtain more help from the Adsense support team.

In addition, you might not be qualified for AdSense if

• Your blog lacks a professional appearance: Google AdSense gives preference to blogs with a polished and well-designed layout.

• Your blog may not function properly due to broken links, missing photos, or other technical problems.

Your blog promotes inappropriate or unlawful behaviour, or it has offensive, aggressive, or discriminating content.

• Plagiarism or the hosting of protected content on your blog.

• You are selling or promoting adult content, guns, illegal substances, tobacco, or other unlawful products on your blog.

• You did not remove your blog's other ad networks before applying for Adsense.

It is crucial to remember that Google AdSense has extremely strong regulations, and they can be very strict about upholding them. Your blog won't be accepted for the programme if it doesn't adhere to their guidelines.

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