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Synergy needed between RCH, HMIS portal and Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission: Health Secretary


Bhushan congratulated the field workers, data collectors, integrators and managers for their contribution in timely data generation from over 2.25 lakh health facilities spread across the country.

New Delhi: Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan on Thursday said that the country needs greater synergy between Reproductive Child Health (RCH), Health Management Information System (HMIS) portal and Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM). Addressing the National Workshop on Health Management Information System (HMIS) and Reproductive Child Health (RCH) Portal, the Secretary said that creation of longitudinal health records and interoperability is being ensured through creation of ABHA ID. Bhushan said that these IDs can be linked to RCH and HMIS which can act as a game changer in the health sector. “All health facilities are in a position to generate these ABHA IDs and link them to the digital health records. As a result, this will create a robust ecosystem of paperless and hassle free access to digital health records for our citizens. 

12 health packages are free, they also provide free medicines and diagnostics, free screening tests for common cancers, diabetes and high blood pressure." The secretary said that more than one lakh HWCs are also offering e-Sanjeevani teleservices. “This is generating a huge amount of digital data, which we need to ensure is uploaded and analyzed carefully.” “States need to harness this data to serve as the basis for health interventions. There is a need to analyze on real-time basis," he said. He released three publications including Rural Health Statistics 2021-22. "This report provides data on health infrastructure including manpower as on March 31 every year.

 This publication is based on HMIS The data is based on the data uploaded by the States/UTs on the portal and published only after being verified by the respective States/UTs. resources in rural, urban and tribal areas of the country, it added. Continued other reports made HMIS was 2020-21 and 2021-22. "It provides an analytical insight into key performance indicators related to maternal health, child health, immunization, coverage of family planning services, adolescent health and inpatient services. Besides, bed occupancy rates, C-section rates during these two years An analytical chapter has been specially included to analyze the performance of district hospitals on the basis of blood replacement rate, rate of early initiation of breastfeeding, post-surgery infection rate etc," the ministry said. The two day workshop aims to reiterate the utility of Health Management Information System (HMIS) Portal and Reproductive Child Health (RCH) Portal and their use as monitoring and policy intervention tools.

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