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New Year's Resolution: Anand Mahindra Shows What It Feels Like To Be In The First Week Of 2023


• Many users and followers commented on his post saying that it is true while some criticized the idea of solving on the basis of date and year.

As we have entered the new year, many of us surely have made a list of resolutions for this year. While there are some who complete them, there are many who lose track within a few days and some the very next day. Keeping a fitness routine, exercising is one of the most common New Year's resolutions that people add to the list. Now, Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra has shown what it feels like to head into the first week of the new year.

Mahindra shared a picture of the first 4 days of January, in which the man starts exercising on 1st January and finally gives up and goes to bed in 4 days.

In one post, he wrote, "In the middle of the first week of the new year it feels like..."

It feels like the first week of the new year...

— Anand Mahindra (@anandmahindra) January 4, 2023

Soon after posting the tweet, it garnered over 68,000 views and 100 replies. Many users and followers commented on his post saying that it is true while some criticized the idea of resolution based on date and year. Some also said that only the determined achieve the set goal.

One wrote, "Great sense of humour...I have joined your club sir....who wants to break new year's resolution..a tempting offer..haha ha"

One user wrote, "Happens with everyone." We don't need New Year's resolutions for health and fitness."

Someone else wrote, "Those who have a "careful resolution" start right away...they don't have to wait for a good time (New Year's) to start (the resolution), that's the difference." " A user tagged Mahindra and said, "I thought you were different from us"

One user wrote, "Resolutions fail, nothing can happen unless it comes from within and then comes persistence." One user wrote, 'Rest / sleep is the best medicine. No exercise can compensate for sleep/rest."

Earlier on January 1, Mahindra had said on Twitter that he usually does not make New Year's resolutions, but a particular post inspired him to do so.

He shared a video with the caption, "Negative space, in art, is the empty space around and between the subject(s) of an image."

“Normally don't take new resolutions but this post inspired one. There will naturally be ups and downs in the new year but I hope to use the 'downs' or 'negative spaces' to help shape more positive inner spaces. Quoting a tweet by Anand Mahindra, he wrote, I will try to use the bad times to give more resilience and empathy to others.

Usually don't take new resolutions but this post definitely inspired. There will naturally be ups and downs in the new year but I hope to use the 'downs' or 'negative spaces' to help shape more positive inner spaces. I'll try to use the bad times to give me more resilience and empathy for others

— Anand Mahindra (@anandmahindra) January 1, 2023

Before the year ended, Mahindra shared a dance video and expressed his 'happiness' to say goodbye to 2022, in a tweet he wrote, "Here's how I'm going to bid farewell to 2022 tonight." How Gonna Dance With Joy - The war in Ukraine and the resurgence of Covid made this a year I'm happy to look back on.

Here's how I'm going to happily dance goodbye to 2022 tonight—the war in Ukraine and the resurgence of Covid make this a year I'm happy to look back on. See the new year with those big disasters...

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