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Indian Railways registers 71% growth in revenue earnings for passenger segment


• Indian Railways on Monday said that its estimated gross earnings in the passenger segment on a basic basis for the period of first nine months of the financial year 2022-23

Indian Railways on Monday said that its estimated gross earnings in the passenger category on an initial basis for the period of first nine months of the financial year 2022-23 is Rs 200 crore. 48913 crore, a growth of 71% from Rs. Originated during the period 28569 million years ago.

The estimated total number of passengers booked in the reserved passenger segment from 1st April to 31st December 2022 is ₹59.61 crore, an increase of 6% from ₹56.05 crore in the same period last year. The revenue from the reserved passenger segment grew by 46% from ₹26400 to ₹38483 crore between April 1 and December 31, 2022, as compared to the same period last year.

The total estimated number of passengers booked in unreserved passenger category from 1st April to 31st December 2022 is ₹40197 lakh, which is 137% more than ₹16968 lakh in the same period last year. The revenue from the unreserved passenger sector from 1st April to 31st December 2022 is ₹10430 crore, which is 381% higher than ₹2169 crore made during the same period last year.

Additionally, Indian Railways today said that its freight earnings till December of the current financial year were 16% higher than the same period last year. In the first nine months of the financial year 2022-23, the Railways earned ₹1,20,478 crore, up from ₹1,04,040 crore in the previous year.

Total freight traffic from April to December reached 1109.38 MT, up from 1029.96 MT in the previous year, or an improvement of 8%. According to the department, for the first nine months of the financial year 2022-2023, railway freight loading topped last year's loading and earnings.

A total of 130.66 MT of basic cargo was loaded in December 2022 as compared to 126.8 MT in December 2021, an improvement of 3%. In addition, freight revenue of ₹14,573 crore was generated in December 2021, up 13% from ₹12,914 crore. Indian Railways said it aims to achieve 2,000 metric tonnes by 2023-2024 after reaching 1,400 metric tonnes in the last financial year.

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