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'Covid entry ban targeted at China': Beijing threatens retaliation

• We believe that the entry restrictions adopted by some countries targeting China lack scientific basis, Beijing said

Opposing testing requirements on travelers from China, Beijing has said the measures adopted by several countries lack a "scientific basis" and threatened retaliation.

"We believe that the entry restrictions adopted by some countries targeting China lack scientific basis, and some excessive practices are even more unacceptable," Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said at a daily briefing on Tuesday.

"We strongly oppose attempts to manipulate COVID measures for political purposes and will retaliate based on the principle of reciprocity."

After China greatly relaxed its draconian COVID restrictions, there has been a massive spike in cases. However, a lack of information from the Chinese government about how many people are sick or dying has raised concerns over the possibility that new variants of the virus will emerge.

Following this, several countries, including the US, Japan, have made it mandatory for Chinese travelers to submit negative test reports before being allowed to enter. Meanwhile, Taiwan said it will quarantine those who test positive for the virus. Huh.

Recently, almost half the passengers of two flights from China that recently arrived in Milan, Italy were found to be COVID positive. Italy said it had received no new information about COVID-19 mutations in people arriving from China, but would start testing all people arriving from the southeastern country.

COVID-19 has been a politically sensitive topic in China since it first emerged in the country nearly three years ago. Former President Donald Trump has angered Beijing by repeatedly referring to the "Chinese virus", prompting China's diplomats to spread the conspiracy theory that the virus may have originated in US biological weapons laboratories.

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