What are competition keywords? | What are the 5 types of keywords?


Competition keywords are keywords or phrases that are commonly used by competitors in a particular industry or market. These keywords are typically targeted by businesses in order to increase their visibility and visibility in search engine results.

The five types of keywords are:

• Broad match keywords: These keywords are the most general and will match a wide variety of search queries. They are the default match type for most paid search campaigns and will match any search query that contains all or some of the keywords in any order.

• Phrase match keywords: These keywords will match search queries that include the exact phrase, but may also include additional words before or after the phrase. This match type gives more control over which search queries will trigger your ad.

• Exact match keywords: These keywords will only match search queries that include the exact keyword or phrase, in the exact order. This match type is the most restrictive, but it also has the highest level of control over which search queries will trigger your ad.

• Negative keywords: These keywords are used to exclude certain search queries from matching. These are used to prevent your ad from showing up for irrelevant or unqualified search queries.

• Long-tail keywords: These keywords are longer, more specific phrases that are less commonly used, but tend to have a higher conversion rate. They are more targeted, and they are more likely to attract qualified traffic to your website.

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