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Will the Ukraine war end in 2023? Zelensky's 10-point peace plan explained


Zelensky is in a diplomatic flurry of presenting his plan to leaders including Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, whose country has assumed the presidency of the G20.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is strongly promoting his 10-point peace plan, discussing it with US President Joe Biden, among others, and urging world leaders to hold a global peace summit based on it are doing.

Here's an explainer on planning and world response:

What is Zelensky's 10-point peace plan?

Zelensky first announced his peace formula at the November summit of the Group of 20 major economies.

The plan calls for:

1) Radiation and nuclear security, focusing on restoring security around Europe's largest nuclear power plant, Zaporizhzhia, in Ukraine, which is now under Russian occupation.

2) Food security, including the protection and ensuring of Ukraine's grain exports to the world's poorest countries.

3) Energy security, with a focus on price restrictions on Russian energy resources, as well as helping Ukraine restore its electricity infrastructure, half of which has been damaged by Russian attacks.

4) Release of all prisoners and exiles, including prisoners of war and children sent to Russia.

5) Restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine and Russia ratifying it in accordance with the UN Charter, which Zelensky called "not up to negotiation".

6) the withdrawal of Russian troops and the cessation of hostilities, the restoration of the state borders of Ukraine with Russia.

7) Justice, including the establishment of a special tribunal to try Russian war crimes.

8) environmental prevention with a focus on decommissioning and restoration of water treatment facilities, the need to protect the environment.

9. Prevention of escalation of conflicts in the Euro-Atlantic space, including guarantees for Ukraine, and creation of a security architecture.

10) Confirmation of the cessation of hostilities, consisting of a document signed by the parties involved.

What is Zelensky's Global Peace Summit proposal?

In December, Zelensky urged the leaders of the Group of Seven countries to support the idea of their own global peace summit in the winter, which would focus on peace planning "as a whole or specifically on some specific points".

What has been the reaction of the world?

Russia rejected Zelensky's peace offer this month and Moscow reiterated on Tuesday it would not give up any territory taken by force around a fifth of Ukraine it says it has annexed.

Zelensky is in a diplomatic flurry of presenting his plan to leaders including Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, whose country has assumed the presidency of the G20.

The Western world's support for Ukraine's military has run into billions of dollars, led by Washington, and nations helping Kyiv dismantle and fix power infrastructure.

But reaction to Zelensky's peace plan and his proposed peace summit has been more cautious.

During Zelensky's visit to Washington on December 22, Biden said in public remarks only that he and Zelensky "share exactly the same vision" for peace and that the United States is committed to ensuring that Ukraine defends itself. can do.

The G7 leaders said they were committed to bringing peace to Ukraine "in line with their rights enshrined in the UN Charter".

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said there was little chance of any peace talks anytime soon.

"I believe the military confrontation will continue, and I think we still have to wait for a moment in which serious talks for peace will be possible," he said in late December.

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