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Tripura Election: BJP will take out 'Rath Yatra' riding on the support of women


For the first time in Tripura, such a yatra will be organized by any political party before elections.

As the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prepares for the assembly elections to be held in February 2023, the saffron party in Tripura will hold "rath yatras" across the state from January 1, a senior party official announced on December 26. Elections to the 60-member Tripura Assembly will be held in February. The massive outreach effort by the BJP known as "Prati Ghare Shushasan" came to an end on 25 December.

The party's chief spokesperson Subrata Chakraborty has said that the purpose of the yatra is to garner public support ahead of the elections. According to him, the party is hoping that people will participate in the "Rath Yatra" to support the BJP, which has taken care of their most basic needs.

According to BJP's media coordinator Suneet Sarkar, one yatra will start from North Tripura district and the other from South Tripura district. Information and Cultural Affairs Minister Sushant Chowdhary is in charge of a three-person committee set up to oversee the Yatra preparations.

According to party sources, this would be the first time such a yatra would be organized by a political party in the northeastern state ahead of an election. During the 2018 assembly elections, the BJP held several roadshows, with several Union ministers acting as their leaders.

Mahila Morcha national president Vanathi Srinivasan had earlier said that women would vote for the BJP in large numbers in the upcoming Tripura assembly elections. According to the draft electoral roll, 13.53 lakh females and 13.80 lakh males are the state's 27.33 lakh voters.

Srinivasan said, "The women of the country believe in the BJP, which will give them a better future and Tripura is no exception to this. I believe women voters will exercise their franchise in support of the candidates of the saffron party in next year's assembly elections." Will do." told reporters on December 25.

Education has been made free for girl students up to the college level, and women now have 33% reservation in government jobs, argued Srinivasan, recalling the distribution of up to 55,000 bicycles to women students.

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