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Prince William, Kate Middleton will not watch Harry-Meghan docu-series: report


• In a six-part documentary series, Harry and Meghan talk about their strained relationship with their brother and sister-in-law.

With all six episodes of the new Netflix docu-series on 'Harry & Meghan' out and the furor over, it's being reported that Harry's brothers William and Kate Middleton won't be watching the show.

Page Six quoted a royal source as saying, "William and Kate's aides have briefed them on the show, but don't expect the couple to be sitting in their cottage with a bowl of popcorn."

In a six-part documentary series, Harry and Meghan talk about their strained relationship with their brother and sister-in-law.

Ever since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped down as senior royals in January 2020, Harry's falling out with William has only gotten worse.

In the Netflix series, Harry talks about his decision to move out of the UK after he met his grandmother the late Queen Elizabeth, his father King Charles and his brother Prince William at Sandringham in January 2020.

He revealed that they avoided any meetings before they all decided to meet when Meghan moved to Canada.

Stating that his brother William shouted at him while their father King Charles III lied in the meeting, Harry said his grandmother saw it all, sat there, kept quiet.

"I went in with the same offer I made publicly. But once I got there, I was given five options. One is all in, no change and five are all out. I chose three. Chosen, half in half. Take your own. jobs but also support the Queen. But it became clear very quickly that the goal was not up for discussion or debate," said Harry.

"It was horrible to have my brother yelling and screaming at me and my father saying things that weren't quite true. And my grandmother sits there quietly and somehow makes sense of it all. But you have to understand that from a family perspective, Specifically from him, there are ways of doing things and his ultimate goal, mission, slash responsibility is the institution," he added in the documentary.

Harry said that as soon as he left the meeting, he was told that reports of a rift between him and his brother William had been dismissed in a joint statement.

"One of the reasons Meghan and I left was because a story came out saying that William bullied us," Harry said in the docu-series.

And soon after, when he came out of the meeting with his brother and father, he was told that the report had been rescinded by issuing a joint statement in his and William's name.

“Once I got into the car after the meeting, I was told about a joint statement that had been issued in my and my brother's names, breaking the story of bullying from the family to us. I could not believe It was happening. No one asked me. No one asked me permission to make such a statement.'

“Within four hours they were happy to lie to protect my brother and yet for three years they were unwilling to ever tell the truth, to protect us. At this point there was no other option. I said we Need to get out of here." Harry added.

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