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Meet Anita Kundu of Haryana Police who conquered Mount Everest thrice


Anita Kundu climbed Mount Everest in 2013, 2017 and 2019

Haryana Police Inspector Anita Kundu has scaled Mount Everest thrice and is working hard for the next expedition in 2023. Kundu, who has managed to inspire many others, fully justifies the adage 'if you can dream it, you can achieve it'.

Kundu's life was difficult since childhood. She lost her father at the age of 12 and supported her two sisters and a brother by selling milk with her mother. Recalling the challenges, he told PTI, "He wanted to see me as a top player. With some help from my mother, I had to take care of my two sisters and brother. It was not easy to come out of this tragedy. family, but my father's words encouraged me."

Despite all the difficulties, he had the spirit to do something different.

He said, "My father used to say that no matter what the situation, you have to fight and take it as a challenge. Those words gave me the strength to move forward."

Eventually, he developed an interest in adventure sports, although his father wanted him to become a boxer.

Kundu joined the police service in 2008 and expressed her desire to become a mountaineer to her superiors. He enrolled himself in advanced mountaineering courses and trained rigorously for the same.

“I climbed Mount Everest for the first time in 2013 from the Nepal side. In 2015, I again set out to scale the peak, but had to return midway due to an earthquake. In 2017, I climbed it from the China side. Everest and in 2019, as an expedition leader, I again scaled Everest," said the 33-year-old inspector.

Kundu, who received the Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award two years ago, said she has scaled peaks in other continents as well. He was given this award for his unmatched dedication towards land adventure.

Last month, President Draupadi Murmu, who came on a two-day visit to Haryana, praised the daughters of the state for presenting the best example of women empowerment in front of the whole country.

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