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IT Industry In An Earthquake Zone, Says Shailesh Davey Of ManageEngine

India has been an important market for ManageEngine growing at nearly 60% year-on-year and one of the reasons is the digital push from the government which has translated to both large and medium enterprises adopting digital solutions.

Shailesh Davey, vice president of engineering at ManageEngine, Zoho Corp's IT management division, says he won't rule out the possibility of a tech bubble bursting from industry leaders. Davy, who is also the co-founder of Zoho, spoke to Livemint on the sidelines of the company's annual conference in Bengaluru, where it released a report - IT at Work: 2022 and beyond - by independent market research agency Vanson Bourne. With the development of the industry in view. and trends for the coming year.

Edited excerpts:

ManageEngine has a wide range of portfolios ranging from identity and access management to cloud solutions. Where do you see the momentum coming, is there any particular vertical?

ManageEngine has a variety of products both on premise and in the cloud and we focus on four key areas - IT Operations, IT Service Management, IT Security and IT Analytics. We have over 100 solutions in these areas. The main focus at the moment has been on IT Security where we have new products coming up solutions related to Identity and Access Management, Privileged Access Management, Security Information Event Management and Zero Trust. We also have Endpoint Management and Mobile Device Management. Management here refers to protecting data through high security levels that prevent them from being leaked or attacked with malware or ransomware.

ManageEngine's customers are mostly medium-sized companies, as its products are delivered at an affordable cost. How has the growth in large enterprises been?

Traditionally we have had departmental level customers mostly in the mid-sized segment or adoption from large enterprises, as you mentioned, but over the years, India has been an important market for us, growing almost 60% year-on-year. The year is progressing. From a customer perspective also we are growing at 40% and one of the reasons is the digital push from the government which translated to both large and medium enterprises adopting digital solutions. We have a lot of BFSI customers who use our endpoint, enterprise management and identity and access management solutions for the last two to three years. We at ManageEngine have been in the business for the last 20 years and have invested heavily in technologies without any lag. And this is how we separate ourselves from others.

The recent Gartner report where ManageEngine was named a challenger in ITSM platforms also looked at the pros and cons of using each platform's products. One area where ManageEngine sees an advantage over competitors is the faster update cadence. What is your opinion on this?

Competition keeps you honest and I am sure this is one of those cases. Our idea is to ensure that our cloud solutions meet the diverse needs of the enterprise and we are also able to take enterprises that are looking for a path from on-premises to the cloud. This has been a wake-up call for us and we are increasing our engineering resources and increasing our release cadence on our cloud solutions.

IT security has been a major focus for ManageEngine and you mentioned this as an area that is seeing a lot of momentum at the moment. Drawing your attention to the cyber attack at AIIMS, do you think that there is still no awareness about the dangers of the cyberworld within the establishment and in India?

If I use a cricket analogy here, the bowler just needs one good ball to take a wicket and the batsman has to play all the deliveries. Same is the case with IT security, the organization has to be ever vigilant. A small lapse can worsen the situation as happened in AIIMS. The most important aspect here is to improve the security posture and security knowledge within the organization. Furthermore, it is not just about building a hard and fast security wall around the organization, but also about being agile by recovering and fixing systems.

ManageEngine had planned to hire 1,000 people last year as a part of its expansion. What are your plans for the coming year?

We didn't hire the numbers we pulled out last year. The IT industry is in an earthquake zone and making long-term forecasts has become difficult. We are taking decisions seeing how things pan out on a monthly and weekly basis. From an attrition perspective, we've always had mid-level single digit attrition numbers, but we noted a high single digit attrition rate in the first six months of this year. There has been a reduction in attrition in the last few months. However our India growth has been great and so is the Middle East and we will have to wait and see how the new year holds.

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