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Government Gives Official Recognition To Esports: All The Details


Draupadi Murmu, President of India, exercising the powers conferred by clause (3) of Article 77 of the Constitution, amended the rules governing eSports and asked the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and the Ministry of Sports to include e-sports Said. Part of multi-sport events.

The Indian government on Tuesday announced a major boost to esports by integrating them with mainline sports disciplines in the country.

The President of India, Draupadi Murmu, in exercise of the "powers conferred by clause (3) of Article 77 of the Constitution", amended the rules governing eSports and sought the inclusion of e-sports from the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and the Ministry of Sports. As part of said multi-sport events.

There has been a growing demand for eSports to be included in the curriculum of multidisciplinary events since its inclusion as a demonstration sport at the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games, meaning that medals won in the sport are not counted in the official overall medal tally. was counted.

After the Presidential notification is issued on December 23, the IT Ministry will be the nodal agency for matters related to online gaming and the Sports Ministry will have to include it in its curriculum. It has come as a boon for the Esports enthusiasts.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is also moving towards popularizing e-sports with Singapore confirmed to host the inaugural Olympic eSports Week in June next year.

This is the next big step in supporting the development and integration of virtual sports with the Olympic Movement and moving forward with competitive gamers.

The IOC said in November this year that the Olympic Esports Week will showcase the best of virtual sports - hybrid physical and simulated sports - in a four-day festival that will run from June 22 to June 25, showcasing the latest technologies, panel discussions, education sessions and Show match.

Reacting to reports of its inclusion as a mainline sport, Lokesh Suji, director of Esports Federation of India and vice-president of Asian Esports Federation, said that the efforts of the fraternity have finally paid off.

“We have been working relentlessly to bridge the gap between esports and iGaming, and finally, our efforts have paid off. We welcome this announcement from our government, which opens up more investment opportunities in this booming industry. will open up new avenues to put in. From now onwards, we have to build proper infrastructure, training facilities and coaching for our young esports athletes. Only for a short time till we can compete on par with cricket, football, basketball etc. Leagues don't see eSports and have the same fan power, scale. and craze," Suzy said.

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