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UN General Assembly voted for Russian compensation to Ukraine with little support


The United Nations General Assembly on Monday approved a resolution calling for Russia to be held accountable for attacking Ukraine in violation of international law, including indemnification for the extensive damage caused to Ukraine.

The United Nations General Assembly on Monday approved a resolution calling for Russia to be held accountable for violating international law by attacking Ukraine, including paying compensation for widespread damage.

The United Nations General Assembly on Monday approved a resolution to hold Russia accountable for attacking Ukraine in violation of international law, including the widespread damage caused to the nation and compensation for Ukrainians killed and injured in the conflict. Is. Of the 193-member international organization's 94-14 votes, 73 were absent. It was the lowest level of support for any of the five resolutions about Ukraine passed by the General Assembly since Russia invaded its smaller neighbor on 24 February.

A "global mechanism for indemnity for damage, loss, or injury resulting from Russia's "wrong acts" against Ukraine" is considered essential by the resolution.

It suggests that the members of the Assembly establish "an international register" to record claims and details on damages, losses or damages caused to Ukrainians and the government brought by Russia in cooperation with Ukraine.

Before the vote, Ukraine's UN ambassador Sergiy Kislitsya told the assembly that "Russia has tried its best to destroy Ukraine - in a very literal sense."

He cited the fact that Russia bombed cities and villages "targeting everything from plants and factories to residential buildings, schools, hospitals and kindergartens", in addition to roads, bridges and railways since the start of the conflict. And firing. Russia has also destroyed nearly half of Ukraine's electricity grid and utilities in the past month alone. Additionally, he cited reports of murder, rape, torture, forced deportation and looting in areas occupied by the Russians.

Kyslytsya said., "Ukraine will have a difficult task of rebuilding the country and recovering from this war. But this recovery will never be complete without a sense of justice for the victims of the Russian war."

"It is time to hold Russia accountable," he insisted.

Russia's ambassador to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia, urged the assembly to reject the resolution, describing it as "an attempt to legitimize something from the point of view of current international law cannot be legitimized". He declared that it was "legally null and void."

Nebenzia alleged that the West is "doing everything to provide a veneer of legitimacy" to "theft of billions of dollars of frozen Russian assets," or rather, "theft of Russian assets." In addition, he alleged that the West was attempting to use the General Assembly's decision "as a cover to cover up this open robbery", the "beneficiaries of which would be Western Military Corporations."

He warned that ratification of the resolution could "only increase tension and instability throughout the world," and added that supporters of the resolution "will be mired in the illegal eviction of third country sovereign assets."

Since President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion, Russia has used its veto power in the Security Council, which has 15 members, to prevent any action. But the General Assembly, which has already passed four resolutions condemning Russia's aggression, lacks veto power.

While General Assembly resolutions lack the same force as legislation passed by the Security Council, they serve as a proxy for global sentiment and show a strong public backlash against Russia's military action.

The resolution adopted on Monday was sponsored by Canada, Guatemala, the Netherlands and Ukraine and co-sponsored by dozens of others.

It reaffirms the General Assembly's commitment to Ukraine's "sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity" and calls on Russia to "immediately cease its use of force against Ukraine" and withdraw all its forces from Ukrainian territory. Repeat demand.

It also expresses "serious concern over the loss of life, civil". displacement, destruction of infrastructure and natural resources, loss of public and private property, and economic disaster caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine."

The resolution cites Article 14 of the United Nations Charter, which empowers the General Assembly "to recommend measures for the peaceful adjustment of any situation ... which it considers to affect the general welfare of friendly relations between nations." considers the possibility," including charter violations.

It also refers to a resolution of the General Assembly adopted on 16 December 2005, entitled "Basic principles and guidelines on the right to treatment and compensation for victims of gross violations of international human rights law and of serious violations of international humanitarian law." "

Previous UN resolutions against Russian invasion of Ukraine

Soon after the Russian invasion, the General Assembly adopted its first resolution on 2 March by 5 votes to 141, with 35 absent. The resolution called for an immediate Russian ceasefire, the removal of all Russian troops, and the protection of all civilians.

On 24 March, the assembly passed a resolution blaming Russia for the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, calling for an immediate ceasefire, the protection of millions of civilians, and the protection of homes, schools and hospitals necessary for their survival. It got 140 votes in favor, 5 against and 38 against.

The 7 April Assembly vote to suspend Russia from the Geneva-based Human Rights Council of the United Nations was over claims of rights violations by Russian troops in Ukraine, which the United States and Ukraine called a war crime, with 58 absentees Was defeated 93-24.

As a sign of strong international opposition to the Seven Months' War and Moscow's attempt to seize its neighbour's territory, the Assembly on 12 October condemned Russia's "attempt to illegally annex four Ukrainian territories". and voted to demand its immediate reversal. The vote was 143-5 with 35 in the 193-member world body. This was the strongest support from the General Assembly for Ukraine and against Russia of four resolutions accepted since Russian troops invaded Ukraine.

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