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Elon Musk, not Donald Trump, was a 'significant' supporter of these two US presidents

• Elon Musk has revealed that Trump was never his first choice as the 'President' of the United States

Elon Musk may have publicly shown his support for former US President Donald Trump, but the billionaire has revealed that Trump was never his first choice as the 'President' of the United States of America.

In the latest tweet, Musk revealed that he was a "significant supporter of the Obama-Biden (Barack Obama-Joe Biden) presidency and (reluctantly voted for Biden over Trump").

As a reminder, I was a significant supporter of the Obama-Biden presidency and (reluctantly) voted for Biden over Trump.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 26, 2022

Further criticizing Biden's presidency, Musk wrote "Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of a strong democracy and should take priority".

He said his preference for the 2024 presidential run is "somebody sensible and centrist".

"I expected this to be the case for the Biden administration, but have been disappointed so far," tweeted the tech titan.

But freedom of expression is the cornerstone of a strong democracy and should be given priority.

My preference for the 2024 presidential nomination is someone sensible and moderate. I expected this to be the case for a Biden administration, but so far I've been disappointed.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 26, 2022

Musk, the new Twitter chief, has restored Trump's account that had been suspended for more than 680 days. The former US President was permanently suspended from the social media site by Twitter's previous management in January 2021, just days after an attempted insurrection by Trump supporters at the US Capitol on 6 January 2021. Trump supporters storm the Capitol as the US Congress attempts to certify Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election.

Trump's Twitter account appeared to be back up as of Saturday evening.

However, it's been a week since Trump hasn't tweeted anything. Trump is active on his own social media platform, "Truth Social".

The platform was launched by Trump after it was banned by the previous leadership of Twitter Inc.

Trump said he would not join Twitter because he saw "a lot of problems" in the platform.

Praising Musk, Trump said he liked and liked Musk's $44 billion purchase of Twitter because "I like characters." But he claimed Twitter's problems are "terrible", including negative engagement and fake accounts.

Musk has responded positively to Trump's choice.

The CEOs of Tesla and SpaceX wrote, "I am fine with Trump not tweeting. The important thing is that Twitter has corrected the serious mistake of banning his account despite not being in violation of the law or terms of service."

Removing a sitting president undermined public trust in Twitter for half of America".

I'm fine with Trump not tweeting. Importantly, Twitter corrected the grave mistake of banning his account despite there being no violation of the law or terms of service.

Taking out a sitting president reduced public trust in Twitter for half of America.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 25, 2022

Musk was responding to a post by author Tim Young, who tagged the world's richest man and wrote: "It's been a week since @elonmusk brought back Trump...and without him even once Didn't tweet... Leftists can't handle this. (sic)".

Musk has never shied away from talking about his political preferences. Recently, the Twitter CEO called on Americans to vote Republican in the US midterm elections.

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