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Pakistan 'one of the most dangerous countries', says Joe Biden, then explains why

US President Joe Biden on Pakistan: US President Joe Biden called Pakistan one of the most dangerous countries in the world.

US President Joe Biden on Pakistan: US President Joe Biden speaks in Irvine, California.

The world is changing rapidly, so much so that it is beyond control, though not because of any one individual or one nation, US President Joe Biden said on Friday while speaking about Russia's invasion of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee reception. Told. Ukraine and its impact on the world, as well as America's relations with other countries.

Joe Biden described Pakistan as a dangerous nation, saying it was "probably one of the most dangerous countries in the world: Pakistan. Nuclear weapons without any cohesion."

Reflecting on his ties with China, Joe Biden said that former US President Barack Obama had tasked him with joining Xi Jinping.

I have spent more time with Xi Jinping than anyone in the world - any head of state in Amer. I spent - they keep counting it - 78 hours' worth. 68 of them were in person over the past 10 years, because Barack knew he couldn't deal with a vice president. And so, he handed it to me," Joe Biden said.

Joe Biden said of Xi Jinping, "This is a man who understands what he wants, but he has huge problems."

Following his scathing remarks on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in which Joe Biden warned that the world could face "Armageddon" if Vladimir Putin uses a tactical nuclear weapon, the US president said that Vladimir Putin's The aim was to split the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). ,

Joe Biden expressed concern, saying, "One thing Putin had decided - we were splitting NATO. Not a joke. Dividing NATO. And look what's happening. Look at what's happening in NATO's Eastern Front." Used to be."

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