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If Monday is the worst day of the week, is Friday the best? Guinness and netizens respond

Earlier this week, GWR declared Monday the 'worst day of the week'.

Guinness World Records

Days after Monday was named as the 'worst day of the week' by Guinness World Records (GWR), it said "Friday probably turns out to be the best day".

Responding to the 'Worst Day of the Week' tweet on October 17th, GWR said "seems to be making Friday the best day of the week".

Several Twitter users commented on it - while some believed that Friday was the best day, some argued that it should be Saturday.

One user said, 'Saturday is also our working day.

Another user said, "I will go on Saturday as the next day is also a holiday".

Other Twitter users wrote "of course" on the post.

Guess it makes Friday the best day of the week

Earlier this week, the GWR declared Monday the 'worst day of the week' on the grounds that as the first day of the week, it was "found by many to be slow and extremely boring".

"We are officially awarding the record for the worst day of the week on Monday," tweeted Guinness World Records. The tweet was followed by several comments within minutes, indicating that several people could relate to the record.

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