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Empress Xi's rise inauspicious for India and the Quad


The consolidation of power by President Xi in his third term does not bode well for India as it is the only country in the Quad that stands for strategic autonomy and does not have a security alliance with the US, unlike Japan and Australia.

The unofficial exit of President Xi's predecessor Hu Jintao on 22 October was a brutal display of political power by China's new premier.

The forced exit of Chinese President Xi Jinping's predecessor Hu Jintao from the Great Hall of the People, a brutal display of power by the core leader, was accompanied by a murmur of 2,300 delegates all gathered at the closing session of the Party Congress twice in a decade on 22 October. was. of the Middle Kingdom. It was as if Hu had been given the political death penalty by the promoters of the party.

While Chinese propaganda media described the former leader Hu's inexplicable exit due to his health, the entire event was deliberately organized in front of the international media and with indications of all 96 million members of the Communist Party of China.

With all top leaders in Congress refusing to acknowledge Hu's existence that day, President Xi's message to opponents is open to interpretation because not a word was uttered during the show of power. Hu's pat on Premier Li Keqiang's back as he exited was as if telling him that his time had run out. The message was that President Xi was China's unopposed leader and that all his opponents would be crushed like Hu on that day.

With President Xi re-elected to a third term and his key allies joining the Politburo's all-powerful Standing Committee, the uncertainty factor has increased in the world, with Xi now being compared to consolidating political power in China. The matter is being discussed with Chairman Mao. , Essentially, President Xi is the sole proprietor or absolute dictator of China, and this has serious implications for India and the world in the short and long term.

While Japan and Australia are US security alliance partners, China could spell trouble for India along the 3488-km Line of Actual Control (LAC) led by leader Xi as India is the only member of the QUAD to exercise strategic autonomy. and is not subordinate to anyone. Coalition umbrella of Washington. As the PLA aggression on the LAC was approved at the highest level in May 2020, it is quite clear that Beijing will drag its feet on the resolution of the eastern Ladakh border, while simultaneously expecting trouble in the Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh sectors. can.

The rise of wolf warrior diplomats under President Xi will allow no settlement with India on the border issue, as well as stimulate economic ties as the bilateral trade deficit tilts heavily towards Beijing. It should be remembered that China under Mao's leadership wanted to draw a 1959 cartographic line along the eastern Ladakh LAC and that led to the 1962 war.

As President Xi aims to make China as powerful as the US militarily and economically by the end of this decade, Beijing will also strengthen its resolve to annex Taiwan and use Pakistan strategically to ensure Will that India be kept in check through internal disturbances, religious bigotry and terror. As China advances economically, its ability to use political and money power to deal with its adversaries will increase manifold in addition to its cyber-aggressive capabilities.

Quad-China friction in the Indo-Pacific will also increase as the PLA Navy gains longer sea legs with its high capability and endurance platforms, with its aircraft carrier strike forces expected to patrol the Indo-Pacific by 2025 . If China can first breach the chain of islands by soon co-opting Taiwan militarily, then PLA nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines will get a free run of the Indo-Pacific.

However, having an undisputed leader like Chairman Mao has its disadvantages and therein lies the danger to the world especially to India. It was the colossal failure of Chairman Mao's myopic Great Leap Forward between 1958–1962 that was a major factor in Chinese belligerence along the border with India.

The Indo-China border clashes of 1962 were used by Chairman Mao as a digression from the failure of the Agricultural Revolution as well as fueling Han nationalism against India. The story may well repeat itself because President Xi like President Mao has shown that he takes no prisoners. Hu Jintao was just the first sign.

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