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A guide to good personal hygiene

Personal hygiene is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself from diseases. It also helps in increasing confidence. Lack of personal hygiene is not only unattractive and degrading, but it is also not healthy. No matter how much perfume or makeup you put on, bad personal hygiene never goes unnoticed. Keeping yourself clean and fresh is a basic and important part of grooming as external factors such as dirt, bacteria and pollutants can affect your skin. Here are some personal hygiene that you should pay attention to-

pre bath ritual

If you're prone to rashes and swelling, try this pre-bath ritual. Soak neem leaves in a bucket of warm water overnight. Use this water for bathing the next morning. This will soothe your rash and prevent infection as well.


Bathing daily is necessary. Use a body wash and loofah to clean your body, especially your elbows, feet, neck and armpits. These are the areas where germs grow. Also, use a hand-held loofah for your back and a pumice stone to remove dead skin cells.

special attention to feet

Wearing your socks and shoes on can make your feet sweaty. Washing your feet is important, especially in hot and humid weather. Sweaty feet can also lead to smelly shoes. Keep your feet dry and use talcum powder to absorb sweat and avoid fungal infections like athlete's foot and ringworm.

clean clothes

Apart from your body, keep your clothes clean as well. Change and wash your clothes daily, especially your undergarments, for hygiene. Sweat sticks to clothing and leads to an unpleasant odor.


Oil and shampoo your hair regularly. Applying oil will nourish the hair while shampooing will remove product build-up, dirt and sweat. Make an appointment at the parlor every 2-3 months to get your hair trimmed. Same goes for the beard as well. Without a fair beard, you look shabby.

While washing your face, use soap on your beard as well. Keep your beard neat and clean for a sharp and clean look.

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