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Ukraine's capital distributes anti-radiation bullets in case of possible Russian nuclear attack

Amid the ongoing brutal war, the city council of Kyiv said that in case of a Russian nuclear attack on the capital, anti-radiation pills were being distributed

Amid the brutal war going on in Eastern Europe, the city council of Kyiv said that in case of a Russian nuclear attack on the capital, tablets of potassium iodine are being distributed to evacuation centres. ABC News reports that if taken just before or immediately after exposure to nuclear radiation, potassium iodide tablets can help prevent the thyroid gland from absorbing harmful radiation. The city council announced in a statement that the tablets would be given to residents of areas potentially contaminated with nuclear radiation if evacuations were required.

It comes as Moscow rattles its nuclear sabers as Russia continues to push back its troops despite declaring four Ukrainian territories as its own.

It is pertinent to mention that in response to a Ukrainian counterattack, Russian President Vladimir Putin has pledged to "use all means at our disposal" to win the conflict. There is growing concern that Russia could use a nuclear strike to turn the tide after suffering significant losses and being driven back in several places.

Russia's possible nuclear attack

The Times newspaper claimed on Monday that the NATO military coalition had warned members that Putin was planning to conduct nuclear tests near Ukraine's border to show his preparedness to use nuclear weapons, ABC News reported. are. The Times further reported that Russia has reportedly moved a train attached to a nuclear weapons facility.

However, the Kremlin said on Tuesday it did not want to engage in "nuclear rhetoric" coming from the West. According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, "Western media, Western politicians and heads of state are doing a lot of exercises in nuclear rhetoric right now," ABC News reported. "We don't want to take part in it," he said.

Meanwhile, Putin is finalizing his plan to annex four regions of Ukraine, despite the fact that Ukraine is pushing back its forces on two separate fronts, reducing the amount of land that which he is able to win.

In addition, Vladimir Putin will speak with residents of two districts of occupied Ukraine to determine the exact location of the borders, according to a statement released by the Kremlin on Monday. This happened as the Federation Council of Russia, the upper house of the Russian Duma, proceeded to formally ratify the annexes which the West called "sham" and "illegal". According to media reports, President Putin is expected to sign the paper officially designating the seized territories as part of the Russian Federation. However, the boundaries of the regions whose borders will be contained in Russia have not yet been determined.

Dmitry Peskov, referring to the territory occupied by Ukraine in the southern Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions, said, "We will continue to consult the population of these regions," according to media reports.

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